7 Common Blood Donation Myths Busted

Blood donation is something that we all want to do but never get around actually doing it either due to fear or the number of myths surrounding it. Today we’ll bust 7 such common myths and present the corresponding facts regarding them.

Myth 1: Blood type is common so no need to donate

Fact: There is a constant demand of all blood groups. Major surgeries, trauma etc require large amounts of blood. If your blood group is common, it means that there would be more number of people in need of your blood type.

Myth 2: Donating blood leads to increase in body weight

Fact: Although there is no direct correlation between the two, it just so happens that some donors eat more than usual after donating, which may lead to an increase in body weight. So stick to your healthy meals and you’ll be fine.

Myth 3: Blood deficit after blood donation

Fact: This is probably the most common myth associated with blood donation. In fact blood volume returns to normal levels within 2 days after blood donation. A healthy individual with good eating habits can donate blood up to four times a year with a gap of three months in between.

Myth 4:  Too old to donate

Fact: There is no upper age limit to blood donation, as long as a donor passes the prior medical examination, he/she is good to go.

Myth 5: Suffering from high blood pressure thus can’t donate

Fact: As long the blood pressure is below 180 systolic and 100 diastolic at the time of your donation, you may give blood.

Myth 6:  Suffering from diabetes thus can’t donate

Fact:  If you are on oral medication for diabetes and are not insulin-dependent, you are a good candidate to donate blood. It is still however recommended that you consult your doctor before donating.

Myth 7:  Donating blood can expose donor to various infections

Fact: If you make sure that new needles are being used and sterilization is maintained during the process, there are no chances of being exposed to HIV or other such infections.

So there you have it. Blood donation is an extremely important responsibility that every individual in our society must try to fulfill as many lives depend on it, and now that we’ve cleared some of these myths, what’s stopping you from donating?

– Source: http://menzene.com/

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