First National Blood Conference

With the effort of raising the blood donation movement effectively BLODAN has always realized about the best measure that can be apply in the context of Nepal. BLODAN hand for achieving towards 100% non remunerated voluntary blood donation is always carried  out by the team believing in the strength of team work and idea sharing. Ample of activities had been done in blood movements but still the concernedness for managing the blood & overcoming the issues with sustainable solution is a lacking aspects as shown by till to date. Demands are high comparing to managing the blood supply. Bloods are collected if any one donates & no one is forced for that. Donors care and retention is the one of the major aspects in implementing level & ownership of blood program as a national concerned by government in policy level.

Continuing the effort of blood movements towards 100% non remunerated voluntary blood donation first national blood conference was idea generated to inflame the blood movements as national issue hence National Blood Conference was the requirement for the nation to whispering and addressing properly about the strength, weakness and opportunities on national blood drive. The main objective of the conference is to create an environment to achieve 100% non remunerated voluntary blood donation. As being the pillar in key stakeholder BLODAN had realized and working hard for achieving 100% non remunerated voluntary blood donation. As of the time and situation interaction, campaign, rally etc are cyclic program of  BLODAN.

It has been observed that the main causes of blood shortage in the nation are lack of awareness, motivation and information about blood and blood donation despite of various activities of entire blood activities of concern stakeholders’ i.e. Nepal Government, World Health Organization, Red Cross Society and Blood Donors Association Nepal. While conducting the monthly interaction program with pre-donation organizations, most of the participants have been drawing attention to the need to motivate the people through various awareness programs and greater interaction between blood donor organizations and concern stakeholders because most of the people are still beyond the proper information about blood donation. BLODAN should promote the CLUB 25 Programs among various colleges and higher secondary schools students because they could be future donors. BLODAN recognizes the problems of demand and supply of blood and rectified that all the programs should be continued as before and has to be launched other different awareness campaign by targeting youth however BLODAN unable to function as its proposed plan due to financial constraints. Regular funds to run the programs continuously are insufficient. BLODAN manage the funds for the program by program basis. As per World Health Organization (WHO) to collect safe blood there must be an increment in recruitment of voluntary non remunerated regular blood donors. Voluntary blood donation is cost effective and enhances healthcare by preventing infection. Nepal Government has made a National Blood Policy, National Blood program and guidelines. A five year National Strategic Plan (2009-2013) has also been made to enhance voluntary non remunerated blood donation however the strategies plan has not been implementing successfully.

National & international level sharing with in and out of the countries had been never happened in Nepal in regards of blood donation movements in mass level in which BLODAN realized the importance of sharing the ideas, review the existing exercise done by national level, sharing the ideas, identifying the role with action plan for future way for achieving towards 100% non remunerated voluntary blood donation along with the meaning full participation and action of key stake holders. Scaling up the effort for blood donation movements thus, First National Blood Conference happened & National Blood Conference is the requirement the nation to whispering and addressing properly about the strength, weakness and opportunities on national blood drive.

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